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tv   Housecall  FOX News  October 21, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT

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>> jamie: put down the doughnut because it's time for yo now for "sunday housecall". we're going to get you healthy. we've got the vice chairman of the department of robotics and dr. mark siegel. he's also the author of the inner pulse, unlocking the secret code of sickness and health. doctors, good morning. >> good morning. >> eric: good to see you. we have to the great news that came out in a study this week about cholesterol. there's a dramatic drop among americans and adults. we've known that high cholestrol is a major risk factor for disease. this is good news. thankfully cholestrol is down. >> we need some good news, right? it's great to start the week like this. look. finally whatever we've done as a
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medical community and the patients are actually listening to this program, whether it has to do with the diet or the way weight or obesity, for the first time we see average cholestrol coming down below 200. that's fantastic news. believe me, we need some good news. when you took about cholestrol, the first thing that comes to mind, it's heart attack and stroke and bad news. cholestrol is absolutely necessary, and we need it. it's a building block of the human body. we need it for cell membrane and our hormones, tess tof testoste, evidenestrogen. that's one of the reasons why healthy diet is important. how does cholestrol come from liver and goes all over our body? it needs transporters, right. something has to transport the cholestrol to the organs. those are the lipo proteins. we have low density lipo proteins. jamie, you talk about ldl all the time.
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that's the bad cholestrol, the bad guy that's going to hurt us. there's a good guy called hdl. >> jamie: i get them confused. that's so technical. >> eric: one is good and one is bad. >> jamie: i want to know. 200 or under, is that still the marker for good or bad cholestrol? >> that's always changing, jamie. the lower the better is what the lilipid experts say. the reason we're making a break through is two-fold. one is because of something called the trans fat bans. trans fats cause the bad cholestrol to go up and the good cholestrol to go down. the good cholestrol he's talking about is the scavenger cholestrol. it gets the bad cholestrol out. the other thing, great news, is a drug that we've been bashing a little bit on the show, looking for side effects, and that's statin drugs. what statin drugs like lipitor, like crestor, like zo kor, what they do is they block the liver from making that 70% of cholestrol. now, when i see someone with
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high cholestrol in my practice, and i see that they're obese or they're not exercising or they have a family risk of heart disease, i am so happy to have those statin drugs in my quiver, as an arrow in my quiver because i believe it's preventive medicine. i believe it you use it properly with the right patients, studies show they will decrease the risk of those plaques forming. >> eric: if you're over 200, do you think you should have statins? >> if you're at 200, you need to see your physician. we use that number to see where you should be. no absolute number. >> eric: all right. at least some good news. >> jamie: how about this? a potential medical breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer and i'm wearing pink. wwe are in breast cancer awareness month. do what you can. this is the new smart bra. it looks like a sports bra, but it's meant to help detect early signs of breast cancer. doctor, remember we're a morning program and folks are out there
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getting ready to go to urge which or wherever they go, but tell us about this new bra. >> thank you for the reminder, jamie. there's something called thermography out there. let me tell you what that is. we know that cancer makes heat. if you have a cancer cell, it uses more blood and it's warmer than a regular cell. in 1956 they developed a technique to find cancer using heat, but in 1974 studies showed that it wasn't that accurate. along came mammograms. mammograms were felt to be more accurate than this. then came mri which is very accurate up to 95% and david and i have cuffed i discussed it ons program. it's very expensive mri and you may find things you necessarily weren't looking for. i am a big fan of mammography. i think women over 40 should get them. >> what about the bra? >> jamie: it's not encrusted with diamonds, so is it expensive? will it work? >> here's the deal about the
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bra. it's inexpensexpensive. i don't think it's ready for prime time yet. maybe some day we can do it with the others, so it's not there yet. >> jamie: so you put it on and it has to heat up to what temperature to tell you you're at risk to cancer. >> it's not going to heat up. we're not going to turn them into fried chicken. [ laughter ] >> the future of medicine is this kind of technology. i happen to actually like it. it has about 16 bio sensors. we know the heat around the breast, it has a sircadian rhythm. they follow this over about a month or so. that err looking at the change of temperature. why are the temperatures changing? in order for cancer to grow and get out of the breast tissue, you need to have vessels and ratteriearteries that brings th. that brings oxygen but increases the temperature, so we think this could be excellent in women who are much younger, who have dense breast tissue, that mri
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and mammograms will not detect it. this could be a great technology to know in advance. >> jamie: okay. >> the critics will tell you, the area, the hot spot they're finding in the breast doesn't match always with a mammogram. yes, it still has a 92 92% ceas, it's about $500, yes, you can wash it. if you want to put diamonds on it, you're more than welcome to. >> jamie: no, no. i was joking about that. if it works, i don't care if it's the ugliest thing in the world. >> if it finds something that you couldn't find in another way, it's good. >> jamie: don't skip your mammogram. >> not yet. >> eric: good advice. how do you stay healthy when everyone else around you is sick? you get home and it's a sneeze fest, everyone at the office is hacking and coughing. what do you do? the doctors have great advice coming up on "sunday housecall" on how to get us through what's coming. it's coming. the flu season. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet.
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that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose,
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based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. you know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels.e, copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate.
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these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd spiriva helps me breathe better. (blowing sou) ask your doctor about spiriva.
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his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brgs more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches.
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>> eric: back now with the doctors. you know, flu sun is on its way. the bugs are going around. i went to the pharmacy the other day, yesterday, and they're giving out the flu shots like mad for 20 bucks or something. what do we do? >> that's a deal. i got one. >> i got mine this week. most doctors jump on this. this is the beginning of the flu season. it peaks around january and february so it's vital to get this. actually, it takes about two weeks until you get all your anti-bodies being prepared, so talk to your doctor and make sure you get a vaccination. look, you see a lot of people cough and sneeze out there and the droplets contaminate other people. make sure you cover your mouth. if you use a tissue, afterwards throw it out and don't rub your eyes. those are the things that you can eliminate some of these bacterias. one of the things i want to tell you is we all use cell phones and we all use keyboards, and if
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you really test them, they're full of bacteria. make sure once a day you wash them and get rid of bacteria. that's a great source of contamination. >> you go to the atm and push the buttons and 10,000 other people, who knows what they have? >> study after study have shown as david said that these viruses and bacteria lurk on your keyboard. i'm a big fan of hand wipes, although i say watch your hands -- wash your hands first. there's also the dracula cough. bacteria and viruses travel 12 feet. people don't realize that. you're sitting on a bus and you're causing and somebody in row 1 is catching your cold. >> 12 feet? that's amazing. what do you do if you have a cold. people think should i buy this remedy, that remedy? the jury is out. there are huge studies about vitamin c. some recent studies have shown from the nih that vitamin c maybe will decrease your duration of symptoms, will get you better faster. same possibility with other
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things but studies have not shown it. zinc seems to decrease duration of symptoms and variety, but again, there's not a lot of proof here. i say the best old fashioned chicken soup. >> absolutely. >> jamie: and stay home. >> that's the best way. >> eric: people don't want to miss work. i'm not contagious, you know. >> jamie: so don't miss work and have everybody else in the office have to be out. that's good advice. i like that. chicken soup. i have a recipe for you later, doctor. new warnings about some types of makeups. could cosmetics make you sick? the doctors will answer all our questions and also it's your turn. we're taking your questions. right now go to housecall. you can join the live chat. the doctors will answer one of your questions on the air and maybe a few after the show. members of congress. in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company,
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or most of you know it. ...i propose savings for everyone! i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newcaster: breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding. and political parties that are actual parties! with cake! and presents! ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> jamie: welcome back, everybody. such an important topic. there's new research showing that some cosmetics may not be as safe as you think. many products consumers use to look their best may actually contain potentially harmful chemicals. dr. siegel wants you too know about it. how serious is this. >> the answer is we don't know
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how serious it is. before i scare anyone, i want to tell you that the chemicals we talk about are being found in beauty products in microscopic amounts. having said that, jamie, women use on the average 10 beauty products a day with 126 chemicals in them, and the two i want to focus on are called phthalates and parrafins. they can change your hormone levels. they can interfere with fertility. phthalates have been shown to increase the risk of diabetes. pregnant women who have had or rather women with breast cancer, women with breast cancer have been found 99% of them to have parabins in their blood. that's not the same thing as saying that these chemicals cause breast cane certificate, but it's saying we need to be on the alert. we think to about how many beauty products we're using, what chemicals we're exposed to.
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on the science side we need research to see the cause and effect. >> jamie: fair and balanced. i've got a lot of stuff in here. which products should we be getting rid of? >> the best one is the natural beauty. if you can get away with any of these which i know you can, it's probably the best way to go. look. parabin has shown, the one marc mentioned, it has estrogen like hormones. there are studies that show that over time it can increase the risk of breast cancer, so you want to basically look at the labels. that's really the purpose of this is as you buy this product, look for things such as parabin. the other one, phthalates, is all over these plastic bottles. we drink it every day. if you want to go to glass bottles or try to avoid those. the toys. look at the laibilitie labels af you see phthalates. there's another one on the labels that can affect your thyroid. pay attention.
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a lost times they may go in fragrance. look at the deodorants, shampoo, soap, makeup. they all have it, and this is banned in canada in a big way and in many other countries, still in u.s., and the fda will not look at this because it's not food. until the consumers bring up the complaint, this will go on and we have this kind of problem. >> eric: wow. >> jamie: incredible information. thank you. >> eric: speaking of sitting around and what could be harmful to you, do you have your dog or cat with you on the couch as you watch the fox new newschannel, there's a new study that says we shouldn't get too close to them. new information on, ready for this, how our own pets could spread germs to us. i have a cold... i took dayquil, but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesn't treat that. huh?
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[ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners.
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>> eric: there are a lot of pet lovers out there. if fido or snuggles is with you right now, you may want to watch this. if you kiss your dog on the mouth, you might think twice. there is a new study that suggests there is a possible disease-causing oral bacteria that can be exchanged between dogs and their owners. the dogs kiss you all the time. i never thought we could catch something from our pets? >> it's a very interesting concept. we know that pets are a big part
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of our life. now they are bringing pets to the hospital for therapeutic for cancer patients. there is a huge value from the pets. but at the same time, there is a study from the japanese, they are looking at over 80 dog owners. they are finding that they are fining staph, a lot of bacteria and parasites. if you start to kiss them and you are intmitt with them and have you them in your bed, you will pass the germs to yourself. you want to handle the feces well and wash your hands and make sure that you take certain hygiene -- >> jamie: it is not going to happen. but it's great information. we are going to kiss our dogs. >> i'm going to say something that will make people not do this. the study's in the orchives of oral biology. beware, you can get tape worm and hook worm from rubbing your
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dog's fur with the eggs from the parasites -- >> jamie: how is it transmitted? >> from hand to mouth. you put it in your mouth and the next thing you know, have you it. even the plague has been-- how do you know you have tape worm or -- >> you go to your doctor. get your dog dewormed. but wash your hkiss your wife, r dog. >> jamie: you know what they say about a happy wife -- happy life. all right. >> eric: we will wash our hands. this is depressing, but okay. >> jamie: we love our pets. in a few minutes, the doctors will continue. you can accepted your question in live. we got so many, they will stay after and answer you one on one. go to great program today, thank you so much. >> good to see you.
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>> the countdown is on to the third and final presidential debate tomorrow night in florida. much of the focus could turn to the deadly consulate attack in libbia. good morning, i'm eric shawn. >> jamie: i'm jamey -- jamie kol bee. lawmakers are attacking each other over the handling of the libya attack. here's newt gingrich and former democratic new mexico governor, bill richardson. >> we are now told that ambassador rice was in fact, acting on what the intelligence community told her on sunday, after this attack. what they told her on sunday, if that's correct, is factually false. we don't know in detail who is in charge. >> what troubles me is that


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